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Monday, March 30, 2009

The Cost of Believing

The suggested scripture in my devotional Bible today contained a verse that made me go back and read it again. Then again. Yes, it does say that.

Have you ever heard that when the Bible says "therefore" you should go back and read what it's "there for?"

Look at the "therefore" in this verse.

"'I believed; therefore,' I said, 'I am greatly afflicted.'" (Psalm 116:10, NIV)

Afflicted because he believed. Wow.

Even better, the psalmist continues "How can I repay the Lord for all his goodness to me?" (v.12). He saw no contradiction between belief, affliction, and God's goodness. They were all part of the same package.

A Christian theology of suffering, packed into 2 short verses from the Psalms.

Yesterday, our pastor preached about overcoming fear (based on the time Jesus calmed the storm in Matthew 8). Among other things, he pointed out that (a) Jesus was with them in the boat. As a believer, I should take confidence, knowing that God is with me wherever I go. and (b) God has either planned or permitted every storm.

In the afflictions of the past year, God has demonstrated His goodness to me over and over. With the psalmist, I ask, "how can I repay the Lord for all his goodness to me?"

I can't. It's as simple as that. What can I give Him? Everything I have, everything I am. Lord, make it so

1 comment:

Ruthie said...

Hopefully you are still singing! Come on over for my Blogoversary.